Online workshop : Relax Deeply

Online workshop : Relax Deeply

mer., 1 décembre 2021 – mer., 22 décembre 2021
18h00 – 19h30

In German, translated into English


Relaxation is a gift of Mother Nature for better health, vitality and inner peace


With Swami Ramapriyananda


Each combines some theory with a short asana sequence and deep guided relaxation. The session concludes with mental relaxation through easy meditations on the 5 elements and positive values.

Day 1:

  • How yoga works on your muscles
  • Asanas and deep relaxation with focus on shoulders, neck and arms
  • Deep relaxation with focus on shoulders, neck and arms

Meditation on the element earth and on thankfulness

Day 2:

  • Releasing stress: how yoga works on your breath
  • Asanas with focus on an open chest
  • Deep relaxation and its psychosomatic benefits
  • Meditation on the element water and on releasing negative thoughts

Day 3:

  • Releasing stress: how yoga works on your digestion
  • Asanas with focus on the abdomen and the pelvis
  • Deep relaxation with focus on the internal organs
  • Meditation on a candle light and on the acceptance of positive values

Day 4:

  • Releasing stress: how yoga works on your nervous system
  • Asanas with focus on the face and on the jaws
  • Deep relaxation with focus on the nervous system
  • Meditation on the element air and on inner tranquility

39 €



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