Divali ( festival de la lumière  )

Divali ( festival de la lumière )

mar., 3 novembre 2020 – jeu., 5 novembre 2020
6h30 – 7h30

Pujas pour le seigneur Krishna, la manifestation de l’amour divin et de la sagesse

Celebration de la vicotoire de la lumière sur l’obscurité

Avec Yagneswara Dixit en direct de Bengalore, Inde

En anglais avec traduction simultanée en français

La participation est gratuite.


Online Live Celebrations

Divali (Festival of Lights)

Wed 3rd to Fri 5th of November 2021


Celebrating the Victory of Light over Darkness


Wed 3rd November, 6.30 – 7.30 AM

Puja for Lord Krishna, the manifestation of divine love and wisdom


Thu 4th November, 6.30 – 7.30 AM

Puja for the Divine Mother Goddess Lakshmi, the energy of prosperity and harmony


Thu 4th November, 19.30 – 21.30 PM

“May the supreme light of lights enlighten our understanding.”

Meditation, mantra chanting, puja and an inspirational message.


Fri 5th November, 6.30 – 7.30 AM

Concluding Diwali Puja: a sudarshana yantra puja dedicated to Lord Vishnu.


The morning online pujas will be conducted by Sri Yagneswara Dixit live from Bangalore, India.

The evening online celebration will be live shared by swamis and staff from various Sivananda Centres in Europe.







Les inscriptions sont fermées pour cet événement.